
Art Teacher

Mrs. Stefanie Goodie

[email protected]

art teacher

Welcome to Art, CES Artists and families!

I am thankfulto have a career teaching Art to all our amazing student artists at Colchester Elementary School for the past 17 years. Before teaching, I always knew I wanted to work in the arts and felt a calling to work with elementary-aged children. To fulfill that dream, in 2004 I received my B.S. in Art Education from Central Connecticut State University. Each year I feel like I learn as much from my students as they learn from me. I look forward to working on many wonderful art projects, and am excited to teach our students to enjoy art through learning about artistic techniques, sharing information and artwork from famous artists, and by exploring the elements and principles of art using a variety of media and materials.

Besides teaching, in my spare time I enjoy being with my family and friends, going on boating adventures, gardening, traveling to new places, and spending quality time at home with my two children and our many pets.

Art Classes

Once every week, Full-Day Pre-school, Kindergarten, First Grade and Second Grade students visit our CES Art Room for 40-minute sessions. Students explore art materials and create their artwork. They have the opportunity to practice fine-motor-skills using an array of art tools such as scissors, glue, and drawing and painting materials.

Students will learn about, practice and create art with a focus on the Elements of Line, Shape and Color. Primary colors, secondary colors, warm and cool colors, rainbow order and color-mixing will also be explored by our artists. Students will also have opportunities to make creative choices and personal connections to their artwork throughout the art-making process.

Art Pledge

Always raise my hand
Remember to be kind
Take care of the art supplies
Inside voice only please
Stay in my seat
Try my very best

Art "Smocks"

Please have your student artist bring an old, oversized t-shirt (with their name written on it). These t-shirts will be kept in their lockers and will be worn to art each week. Messy art does take place, so on Art days, have your student wear clothing that is messy-approved, safe to create in, too, if possible.